Teen Therapists
Process who you want to be.
Create the change to get there.
Holistic, Christian counseling & wellness for teen girls in Cary and throughout NC
Does it feel like you’re drowning?
The pressure feels like a 2-ton weight on your shoulders. From the expectations for your appearance to your job, sports, and grades, you never measure up. It feels like you're on a hundred mile per hour treadmill and you can’t get off. You desperately want friends, but the fear of judgement and not fitting in is crippling. Everyone but you seems to have it together and your just trying not to drown. You don’t get enough sleep because homework keeps you up late and you have to wake up so. dang. early. for school. You don’t feel like your parents get it. They want you to be one way, but that’s not you. So you stay in your room to get away from the pressure and expectations.
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it’s time to get your head above water
Therapy for teen girls can help you ditch the fear, grow in confidence, and live in peace with friends and family.
Counseling for teen girls helps recognize destructive thought patterns and actions that lead to worry, hopelessness, and insecurity. We’ll help you identify your personal narrative and start focusing on thoughts that are true rather than the lies you have believed for years. Therapy can help you create daily habits to get good sleep, exercise, and get your schoolwork done. You’ll learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. We’ll help you process where you’re at with God and, if you desire, we’ll work with you to grow in your relationship with Him. You’ll grow in confidence, develop practical skills to balance your life, and flourish in friendships and relationships with your family.
Being a teen often feels lonely. It feels like no-one understands. Therapists at Be Still offer a super approachable, super casual environment to teens to talk, feel safe, and grow. Counseling can help you feel less alone. We’re here for the journey.
imagine if you…
Felt confident walking into a room
Developed close, meaningful friendships
Got along with your parents and siblings
Had a plan for sports, work, and homework

You are not alone
Counseling for teen girls can help you grow in confidence, find peace, and enjoy your life
A holistic approach for teen therapy incorporates mental, physical, social, and spiritual (upon request) practices to help teens step into confidence, freedom, and joy. Therapy doesn’t have to mean sitting and talking if that’s not what you’re in to. We can color or create art while we talk and we may even go out and walk during some sessions.
Grounding techniques and mindfulness will help you regulate their nervous system and feel more present and calm. We’ll incorporate movement to help reduce stress and begin a more loving relationship toward your body. If you’re having trouble sleeping, we’ll troubleshoot and develop new sleep habits.
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) will make connections between thoughts, feelings, body, and actions. We’ll create new ways of thinking that align with the truth rather than the falsehoods you believe.
We’ll explore relationships-What makes them healthy? What makes them unhealthy? Then you can make decisions on who in your life fuels you and who leaves you feeling depleted. You’ll grow in communication skills, ways to hold boundaries, and decrease the drama.
We’ll create new routines that will help you manage all of the demands on your time. This will help with overwhelm and give you more confidence going into test time.
Each session will leave you with new skills to practice during the week and help you feel more and more empowered to live in hope, peace, and balance.
Therapists for teens at Be Still are…
Growing in practical skills
Understanding the enormous expectations on teens
Trauma informed
Therapists for teens at Be Still are not…
Formal or intimidating
Perpetuating the unhealthy social expectations of teens
Ignoring the role of hormones on teens
Alienating teens from their parents
Common questions about teen therapists
We recognize teen girls need a safe place with therapists who can provide care and support that honors both the teen and their parents.
Hormones, grades, friends, work, sports, body image…all of these struggles are specific to teen girls, and we work toward expert knowledge to provide the very best care.
1000%. It’s imperative any counselor specializing in the care of teens to be trauma informed. Whether it’s physical, sexual, emotional, or spiritual abuse, we seek to be a trauma sensitive environment.
Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation. We’ll talk on the phone and get a better understanding of your needs and determine if we’re a good fit.
Learn More
i’m just not sure if i should move forward with counseling
Common barriers for parents when teens seek therapy
We get it! We offer after school sessions for teens. Focusing on healing and practical skills will only help teens approach their other activities with ease and balance.
We work to reconcile teens and their parents! It may take time, but rest assured we work with the framework that parents are the primary influencers in a teens life.
We get it, we’re moms too! There is a fine balance with counseling teens. We want to honor that you’re the parent; however, if our client thinks we’re a spy for their parents, they will not talk to us. We might bring parents into sessions if our client would like us to discuss something with a parent in a safe space or if a client asks us to share with the parent. Otherwise, what’s discussed during our time together stays between us.
take heart
You’re not alone
You’ve got this. We’ll help you get there.