Christian Counseling
Grow in your faith.
Holistic, Christian counseling & wellness for women & teen girls in Cary and throughout NC
Has your faith lost its spark?
You want to believe, but right now it’s hard. The questions. The doubts. They’re LOUD.
You remember a time when your faith was strong. Where scripture jumped off the page and God felt so close. But now? Now the suffering you experience has you questioning everything you thought you knew.
“Is God good?”
“Is He real?”
“Does he love me?”
Maybe church abuse is real for you. Whether the leadership of the church or the people of the church. It’s brutally painful. “If that’s what a Christian is,” you think….”I’m out.”
But in your heart, you don’t want to abandon ship. Not yet. Maybe there’s something to this.
Sound familiar?
Wanting to experience God but He feels a million miles away
Anger or rage that God would allow your intense suffering
Believing God is a harsh puppetmaster
Feeling guilty that you’re always doing the wrong thing
Questioning or doubting your faith
Reeling from the pain of church abuse or high control groups
Have Any Questions? Send Us A Message!
Process your questions and rekindle your faith.
The goal of Christian therapy is to help you process your questions, your doubts, and understand your suffering in light of God’s truth.
The crippling shame and guilt you have felt in the past will lose its grip as you find freedom in Christ. You will begin to see the difference between man-made rules/religion and the Gospel.
The spiritual practices of scripture reading, prayer, soaking in God’s presence, fasting, etc. will begin to emerge as a life-giving part of your routine. This will allow you live empowered in the Holy Spirit.
The loving, compassionate voice of God will become louder than the lies you’ve grown to believe. You will release the grip of bondage and begin to experience hope and peace.
imagine if you…
Deepen your relationship with God
Knew your value & worth
Live in freedom
Release shame & guilt
Discover self compassion
Feel empowered

freedom is possible
Christian counseling can bring freedom, empowerment, & confidence in your identity
We don’t just “identify as Christian.” We are truly Christian therapists. We love God, seek to live in relationship with Him, and, through the ups and downs of our own faith, we seek to encourage you in yours. We provide evidence-based psychology along with Biblically-based counsel when client’s desire. Christian based counseling with Be Still means exploring your identity, purpose, and suffering in light of the Gospel. We focus on spiritual transformation-not behavior management.
We’ll explore the lies you believe about who you are and replace them with truth from scripture. The truth will become louder than the lies! Boldness in your identity in Christ will lead to more compassion and confidence in every aspect of your life.
As you grow in your identity in Christ, His purpose for you will become more clear and you will be able to carry out His (very good) plans for your life. You’ll have a clear vision from which to make decisions.
We’ll recognize destructive patterns, identify idols, and challenge ways in which your life are not in alignment with your faith.
Those recovering from spiritual abuse will have a safe, non-threatening, and no pressure space to process the trauma and reconstruct their faith.
Christian counseling with Be Still is…
Real, approachable, practical, and non judgmental
Finding your freedom, value, worth, and identity in light of the Gospel
A safe space to process deep faith, doubting faith, new faith, or no faith. A safe space for You to be You!
Recognizing some clients have suffered spiritual abuse and/or have experienced high control groups that have caused deep wounds.
Christian counseling with Be Still is not…
Stuffy or formal
Adding guilt, shame, or “rules” God never created
Forced...We recognize and respect clients who do not wish to incorporate faith into sessions.
Common questions about faith based counseling
No! We welcome people who are strong Christians, struggling in their faith, or do not practice Christianity.
Both! We honor your traditions, and help you to lean in to the tradition most meaningful to you.
We get it. Sometimes the people of the church do not well represent the God of the church. We are here to listen, care, and meet you where you’re at. No agenda.
Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation. We’ll talk on the phone and get a better understanding of your needs and determine if we’re a good fit.
Learn More
i’m just not sure if i should move forward with counseling
Common barriers for Christian therapy
We’re right there with you! The Christian life, in our view, is about FREEDOM in Christ. It’s not about adding man made rules or create guilt that God never intended.
We absolutely recognize the reality of church abuse and the existence of high control groups and families that make people not want to connect with more Christians. We meet people where they are at. That means grieving the trauma of church abuse. That also means respecting where you are in your faith journey-from little faith to strong faith, and everywhere in between.
Understood! We respect you where you’re at and will honor your wish not to incorporate faith into our sessions.
WE want you to know:
Freedom is possible
We are Christian counseling specialists. It’s time to live in the truth and freedom of the Gospel.