Counseling: Stigma or Strength?

All humans struggle.  Everyone goes through seasons of suffering.  If suffering and struggle are common amongst men and women of every age, culture, and class, then why do we fear or postpone professional help?

In a culture that stresses independence, it is difficult to admit that there are times we cannot find healing or reach our goals by ourselves.  We are ashamed and embarrassed of our feelings, our habits, and our relationships.  We fear sharing our stories will bring judgment and shame.  We tell ourselves that time will relieve our symptoms, when we know we’re really just stuck.  Some believe only the severely mentally ill require therapy; while “everyday” anxiety, depression, grief, and relational difficulties will go away on their own.  All of these responses are common, yet they deny the reality that there are seasons of life that we simply need extra support through professional counseling

The benefits of professional counseling are profound.  When is the last time you spent an uninterrupted hour with someone who simply listened?  Without judgment.  Without condemnation.  Exploring hurtful experiences, recognizing intrusive thoughts, and confronting painful feelings out loud in a safe space can bring wisdom, understanding, and growth.  As we share our burdens and experiences, we feel less alone.  Other times, learning how to challenge automatic thoughts, developing communication and interpersonal skills, and understanding a doctrine of suffering can be life transforming.  Counseling can empower clients to change self-defeating behaviors and habits, manage stress, enhance decision making skills, establish emotional wellness, and understand their identity.  Processing suffering and other challenges helps identify purpose and meaning in life, bringing more peace of mind. 

Counseling is an intentional, proactive step to healing.  It requires great strength to recognize we can no longer see the forest through the trees.  A counselor’s perspective and insight may be the first step toward great healing and freedom in your life.  If you are going through a season of suffering and struggle, I encourage you to reach out for help.  The first step is often the hardest.  Take it today!

Be Still Holistic Counseling & Wellness specializes in serving women and teen girls who are struggling with anxiety, depression, grief & loss, and chronic illness & pain who want to stop feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and start living in balance and freedom.

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